My sister, Jennie, took this picture of our family on Easter. She took it outside of the hospital where my brother Paul had to spend Easter.

Miss Sarina-Bean, after getting back from the Children's E.R. where she had 2 stitches put in just under her lip. She had fallen off of her little chair at this table. Sitting still on the chair instead of climbing all over it is something we're still working on.

Angelic smile, but you can also see the mischievous look in his eyes. Must be his father's son. Problem is, it's this very smile that gets me almost every time, and they both know it.

Sarina and Grandma, cuddling as Sarina is getting over pink eye. We treated it for a week, she got over it, and it came back after a few days, so we treated it for another week. About the time we were done treating it, Coleton got it. Oh, joy!