Mommy, Coleton ("Mr. Happy") and Auntie Jennie head off to a day at the Clinic. Though he knows he'll have to get poked, and earlier in the morning had a little cry over that realization, he's recovered and actually seems happy to go for a visit to the doctor and to see his favorite nurse, Sue, who is usually the one to "poke" him at the clinic. We arrived home from the hospital yesterday afternoon, and were all very happy to be home and reunited with Sarina! Coleton has been doing great since we've been home, and has especially enjoyed playing with his sister and running around free from i.v. lines. This morning we headed into the Clinic, and everything was going well until we were just about there and Coleton started crying. Just as we parked, he started throwing up. This was very concerning for me (Sarah), but Jennie was a huge help and did most of the cleaning up as I changed his outfit. After a little while, he seemed back to his cheerful disposition, playing with all the fun toys in the Clinic. We went through all the pre-meds, and he received his factor; then we settled in for a "boring" hour of hanging out at the Clinic, while observing him to make sure he didn't have a reaction. About half an hour into our wait, Coleton started crying...then screaming, holding his head, and squirming as though he wanted to crawl out of his skin - something he's definitely never done before. It was a very scary time. They were able to get him some morphine right away to calm him down, and that helped a lot. The doctors aren't sure exactly what it's from, but they think it may be due to withdrawal from one of the medications they had taken him off of because he was doing so well. Now, they will try to wean him off of this medication slowly to prevent withdrawal symptoms. They don't believe it has to do with the factor or inhibitor, and all other observations did not suggest an allergic reaction. We got home late this afternoon, Coleton took a long afternoon nap, and is doing much better - seems back to his normal self. Thanks to everyone for their continued prayer and support! Thanks to Jennie for putting up with a very stressful day and emotional mom! Thanks to Mom for taking care of Sarina! Thanks to everyone for taking such good care of us in the hospital, with goodies and gifts, and especially with your prayers and love! Coleton's factor levels continue to be high, a sign that the inhibitor has not shown up - Praise the Lord!!!
We will continue to keep all of you in prayer. Glad to hear that the inhibitor hasn't shown it's ugly face again! Sorry to hear he had such a tough go of things yesterday...hopefully they can get that part under control and it won't happen again! Love you guys!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you've had some tough times, but it also sounds like Coleton is pretty resilient. We're still praying!
ReplyDeleteToday it was so fun to see his smile,his new puppy in his Mr. Happy backpack and his excitement about going to the clinic with dad and mom!
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited to hear the great news thus far. Praying for you guys!
ReplyDeleteSo glad everything is going well. We are excited, too! Thank God for His amazing grace!
ReplyDeleteMimi & Papa