Monday, February 23, 2009

Coleton's Adventure

"Pray - Mommy?" Coleton said to Chase as he sat in the back seat of Daddy's truck. I (Sarah) woke up with stomach flu this morning, and Chase had to go plow some snow from the weekend, so he got Coleton dressed, packed him a "sack breakfast", and informed me that he was bringing Coleton to work with him. Coleton was so excited! On the drive in, Coleton said to Chase, "Pray - Mommy?", asking Chase if they could pray for me. They did, and a little later Coleton said, "Pray - Mommy, Rina - again?" They ended up praying for us 4 times throughout the drive. Later, Chase took Coleton into the gas station to pick out a treat. He picked pop tarts and chocolate milk. On the phone with Papa, he said, "Daddy - work - truck - loader (plow) - snow." What a special day he had, and I'm so grateful!
We heard some very good news today! Coleton's latest blood test came back, showing that his inhibitor levels are at zero! We're not sure what this will mean yet, whether they will spike back up once we reintroduce Factor 9, or if they will stay at zero, which would be a miracle!
No matter what, God is good, and praise the Lord!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sarina the Acrobat

We put Sarina in her bouncer the correct way - sitting up.
How she ended up in this position, we have no idea!
I think we have our hands full with her!

Tanner's Birthday

Tanner in his hunting blind that he got from Dad and Mom.
It was a hit with Coleton and Clayton!
"Auntie Briana" and Sarina

Sarina and cousin Connor. Both are almost 7 months and just started sitting up.

Sarina and her uncle, the birthday boy, "Tan Man".
Cousin Clayton looks at a book with Coleton, while Coleton ices his ankle with his new Cryo/Cuff.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Coleton Thanks Grandma

Here you see Coleton's swollen eye as he thanks Grandma for the Valentine.

February 20, 2009

Daddy gave Coleton his infusion this morning, and this afternoon Mommy takes a turn. Coleton is running around, and his head bump is healing beautifully.  His eyelid was swollen shut for a couple days, and we are so glad to see those two beautiful eyes again!  We'll take the i.v. out tomorrow morning - yeah!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

February 19, 2009

Welcome to our family blog site! This "blogging" thing is a new venture for us, but we thought it might be a great way to share with our family and friends the adventures we experience from day to day. Love to all, and here we go...

Today, we had a family day. We all got to take a "family drive" to Children's Hospital so that Coleton could show us how brave he is when gettin an i.v. put into his arm. He has been having some bleeding in his ankle, so we have learned this week how to mix factor and give it via i.v. at home, but we rely on the experts at Children's to put the i.v. in for us.

Last week, Coleton bumped his head (good and hard) on the end table, creating a massive bump, which is healing. The blood drained into his eyelid and then under his eye. He looks like quite the little "bruiser", but is as cute as ever!

Sarina is doing great, giggling back and forth with Coleton, and just being a pure joy to us! We're having trouble with our internet connection, but pictures are coming soon.