Monday, March 29, 2010

No More Immune Suppressants for Coleton!

We have good news regarding Coleton's Immune Tolerance Therapy! Our last clinic visit showed lab results of his bethesda being at 0 (which means there is no sign of an inhibitor). Since we started this therapy, every testing of his bethesda units has showed no inhibitor. They said we could stop giving him the last medication that he's been on which suppresses the immune system. So, he is no longer on any immune suppressants - yeah!!! We continue to give him 1 dose of factor 3 days a week, which will probably continue even once the I.T.T. is over, as a form of prophylactic treatment for his hemophilia. We continue to praise the Lord for the wonderful success of this treatment for Coleton, and we thank you all for your prayers!!!
With Much Gratefulness,
Chase & Sarah

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fun with Grandma and Auntie Jennie

The other day, Grandma and Auntie Jennie (my mom and sister) came over. They helped me clean the house (dust, vacuum, etc. - took less than half an hour with their help), took us out for lunch at Culver's, and went for a walk with us. It was so much fun! Have a great trip, Mom and Jennie! We'll miss you!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Kid Kwotes

Setting: Wyatt and Lydia are over. Chase and Wyatt are going to go rent a game for the wii, bringing Coleton with - so, all the boys are going; all the girls are staying. Coleton thinks this is pretty cool - being "one of the guys".
Coleton: "The girls are going to stay here, and the boys are going to go get a game."
Mom: "What should we do while we're waiting for you to get back?"
Coleton: (thinks a moment) "Well, maybe dust."
Mom: Chase, you're going to have to talk to him about this.

Welcoming Spring with Flower Cookies!

Yesterday, we had a lot of fun making flower cookies. I didn't have a recipe for this cookie that I remember making in my past, but I found a cookie recipe that I thought could work. We made the dough, formed each dough ball around a piece of Dove dark chocolate, baked the cookies, and let them cool. We made frosting of pink, blue, orange, and yellow, and frosted the cookies in the first 3 colors. Then we snipped large marshmallows into 5 "petals", set them on top of the cookies to form a flower, and finished it off with a yellow frosting center. Even Coleton did a pretty good job of putting the pedals on, though the marshmallows kept sticking to his fingers or somehow finding their way into his mouth. I love these cookies for their look and the fun of making them. Warning: They are very sweet! (They are super yummy, too - my opinion.)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Photo Booth Craziness!

Lydia spent the night last night, and this morning we decided to do our hair all fun and crazy. Then, we wanted to take pictures, but we had more fun playing with "Photo Booth" computer camera. Here is a little taste of how crazy we got...
Okay, we started out with just a regular photo...
Here's the modern look...
Now we're getting crazier...
...and crazier...
...and scarier!
Just a couple of sisters having too much fun with a camera! Thought you would like this, Wendy! Ah, yes...lots of maturity over here. Now we're going to get more industrious and make cookies.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Would You Rather?

Tonight we had Jon, Tanner, Wyatt and Lydia over for supper and some fun. We played the game, "Would You Rather?" It's a hilarious game - I highly recommend! Part of the game involves doing "challenges". Chase had to have "Goof" written on his forehead with lipstick and keep his mouth gaping open for the duration of the next player's turn...
...Wyatt had to perform a 30 second dance solo with only his own humming as music. Check out the moves. (Actually, my camera couldn't capture the best moves nor his soundtrack - too hilarious!)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We celebrated St. Patrick's Day one day early at my family's house. Mom was watching the kids for the day while I taught piano lessons, and they made green sugar cookies. It was Sarina's first time "making" cookies. Mom also prepared an "Irish meal" of corned beef, cabbage, mashed potatoes, carrots, Irish soda bread, and (of course) green water! We all wore green, except for Chase, who wore orange just to get a rise out of everyone. Then we stayed up way too late playing golf on the wii, trying to convince my dad to use two hands to swing and Mom to take some practice shots before wailing the ball. Neither of them listened to us. Stubborn parents can be hilarious - too much fun!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Green Smoothie Hair Gel

This morning, as I was trying to get out the door for a day full of errand-running with the kids, Sarina was styling her hair with Chase's green smoothie that I had mistakenly set on the kid-size table. She had her little hair brush and was dipping it in the green smoothie and then brushing her hair. It was one of those moments when you want to scream, then you want to laugh and get the camera, but you don't want her to know it's funny. Gotta love her!