Friday, January 14, 2011

Update on Coleton

Coleton being silly with his nurse, Sue
We had Coleton's monthly check-up today, regarding the Immune Tolerance Therapy he's been doing, and I just wanted to give everyone an update and ask for continued prayer. The level of factor 9 in his blood when measured 24 hours after getting factor were at less than 1%, and that has been pretty common the past several months; but his levels when measured 1 hour after getting factor were only 6%. (The lowest they've been at since starting I.T.T. is in the 30s, but 60s and 70s have been more common.) Also, his inhibitor level was at 1 today, when usually they've been at 0. So, this is just indication that the inhibitor is causing the factor that he gets to get "eaten up" very quickly. For now, they decided to increase the amount of daily factor he gets and also slightly increase the dose he is already taking of an immune suppressant. That is all we know for now. We'll just have to wait and see how those changes effect him. I wasn't totally surprised by the levels today, because we've been seeing increased bruising all over his body in the past couple weeks; but I didn't expect them to be quite that low. Thank you so much for your continued prayers! Over all, Coleton is doing very well, enjoying life and just being a boy.


  1. As you already know... "This too shall pass". No matter what type of treatment he's recieving today, or 10 years from now... he's in the right hands, both mediacally an spiritually!

  2. As I said on Saturday (I guess you had already left), God keeps on taking my face in His Hands and turning it gently up to look at His. Whenever I look at circumstances I get discouraged (as I did this morning), until I turn my face to look at His and praise Him for His love for me. We will continue to pray for you all.
    (Funny, my mom all my life has said "Honey child, this too shall pass...")
    Wendy/Mrs. Gunn
