Sunday, October 25, 2009

Awaiting the Next Step

We want to thank you all for your prayers for Coleton and our family!  Things are going great! On Friday, we went into the clinic and, for the first time, Coleton was taken off the two meds. that were to help in case of an allergic reaction, and everything has gone well with that.  He is still on two immune suppressants (one that is given daily orally, another that is given by i.v. over the course of 6 hours in one day out of the month).  Our next appointment is on Thursday, where we hope to discuss the next step with Coleton's doctor.  From the sound of things, everyone on the hematology team is very excited and surprised by the progress Coleton is making, and did not foresee things going this well.  We are also very excited, but not surprised, knowing that we serve an all-powerful, living God who can move mountains and part seas.  We know that if it's God's will to take away the inhibitor, He can do it with the snap of His fingers (actually, He doesn't need to DO anything, but you know what I mean).  We continue to give Coleton factor daily at home, and Coleton is being a trooper for his daily pokes, which he does not look forward to.  But, is has been a blessing to see him bruise-free for once in his life!  Even though Mom and Dad have had to put a lot of their energies towards Coleton, Sarina doesn't allow us to forget about her.  I guess she is a typical second-born (I can tease her about that, since I am one myself.).  She's an on-the-move kind of girl.  Unlike Coleton, who at her age could sit for almost an hour and play with cars; Sarina doesn't like to sit still for very long (unless there's food in front of her) but would prefer to explore the entire house all day long, not stopping to smell the flowers.  It has been so nice to be home more now, and able to spend time with her, though we are so grateful for family who have taken great care of her while we've been away at the hospital or clinic appointments.  Love to all!


  1. How exciting that things are going so well!!! Praise the LORD!! I will be praying for wisdom for you and everyone involved as you discuss the next step with Coleton's doctor on Thursday.
    God bless!

  2. We continue to praise God for the incredibly awesome reports! I'm sure that it is more than a little wonderful to be home, and that Sarina is enjoying it, too! (Coleton and Sarina sound like Dane and Kelsey at those ages :)
    Thanks for the updates!!
    Mrs. Gunn

  3. PTL! He has done marvelous things!!! Thanks for the great update! LOVE YOU!!!
